After having had to set an uncomfortable verbal boundary with a distant neighbor about his unauthorized use of the one-mile-long private driveway to my property, I’ve uneasily been doubting myself…
Twenty-four hours later I found myself speaking these words out-loud to myself as I drove to work, “Julia, you are either becoming a shrewd woman or you are very savvy.”
Now, in my mind that spoken-sentence-to-myself only validated my long-time interpretation of “shrewdness” as an embarrassing-for-me negative trait…with “savviness” being a positive, desirable characteristic.
Since Loren’s death I’ve been forced to speak up in pressurized situations where in the past I would’ve happily welcomed Loren handling the matter…he with his 6’ 3”, 330# stature, built like a Paul Bunyon logger, with his (sometimes) jolly eyes and that impressive (legit) gift of conversing with complete strangers or the few “challenging” country folk who can’t seem to respect other’s and their properties.
……so, today, I Googled the Definitions of Shrewd and Savvy:
SHREWD: “Marked by clever discerning awareness and hard-headed acumen shrewd common sense.”
SAVVY: “Shrewdness and practical knowledge, the ability to make good judgement.”
What in the heck is “acumen”? I Googled that too. ACUMEN: “The ability to make good judgement and quick decisions typically in a particular domain.”
After reading Webster’s Definition of SHREWD I’m willingly adjusting my perception….even thinking I should welcome a further study on “being wise as serpents and innocent as doves” as the Holy Bible speaks of in Matthew 10:16. Ha.
This one situation of necessary boundary-setting wasn’t the first business-type circumstance in the past 5 years….that is, my needing to address matters with men who are not family or friends.
I’m learning a new art: ………………..taking an undesirable behavior…………….addressing it……………….standing strong………………..yet with peace and meekness…………………..staying in the conversation long enough to turn it into a positive good-willed cooperation to ease the situation. So…..
(1) I brought up the topic of his herd (2) I genuinely listened and learned (3) 20 minutes later I ordered 1/4 beef to be delivered next November
Whether I like it or not….. I’m seeing I am in a whole new learning curve. And…. there’s no authentic way around it.