Every day I laugh just a little bit, just a little bit. Every day I smile just a little bit, just a little bit. Every day I accept my life just a little bit, just a little bit. Most days I cry just a little bit, just a little bit.
But, as fall has arrived, as the leaves are changing colors, as some dead leaves have already fallen from the trees ~ I feel a change within me. I wish I could identify the change. To label it.
I welcome the change all the while hanging on to what was. I welcome the episodes of happiness all the while hanging on to my sorrow, the friend that I have become well acquainted with. Ol’ Sorrow, that friend whom I’ve lived, even communed, with these past 18 months. Ol’ Sorrow, the partner I’ve shared my life with since my husband has gone.
“So, Lord, the Scripture says when You start a work in a person You will complete it to the very end. I can’t imagine how this will end up looking because I relished my world with Loren and the picture I was a part of. I’m just now willing to even consider opening up my eyes. So teach me to pray just a little bit, just a little bit each day. Teach me to trust just a little bit, just a little bit each day.”