I’ve never lived my life in complete chaos as far as spiritual upkeep and running a household goes. As a widow, keeping four spheres spinning to manage my home, my property, work at my job, and run my music studio, I’ve done well enough.
BUT, yesterday I had an epiphany!!
I had not given myself permission to add a higher level of order because the three – year anniversary had not yet arrived!
Two Thanksgivings before Loren’s unexpected passing, our family had sat around the table. Because months prior our brother-in-law Max had passed, Loren had said to the children and I, “Whenever I die, I want you to keep thus and thus and thus and thus for three years. If at that point you realize those items no longer hold sentimental value, go ahead and get rid of them.” Our adult son immediately freaked out when he heard those words. He said, “Dad, are you sick? Is there something you’re not telling me?” Loren had said, “No, son. I just very much regret that years back I got rid of an item that my dad had given me when I was a teenager and I now can never get it back.”
Needless-to-say, that casual Thanksgiving Day conversation has been playing in my mind since the day Loren suddenly passed. I have purposefully remembered his wishes and I most certainly have WANTED to honor his wishes!
But THIS spring…THIS summer…there is an innate need to grant myself more permission:
- To use more logic than emotion.
- To continue analyzing what works for ME (not just how it worked for WE).
- To consider selling or gifting specific things.
- To continue making the home as a place I now need it to be (ie. If I want a “foo-foo” bedspread in each bedroom it’s A-OK).
- To re-organize his shop so I can find things when I need to find them (ie. his idea of where things should go was not the place I would’ve been inclined to put them).
I must admit I feel a sense of freedom to write this, while at the same time, this topic surfaces much deep pain. It has felt safe, and wonderful, and ever-so-happy (if that’s possible in grief) to keep things as they were…………….”He & I in our own little world….”
I now see, I have been tip toeing through my new normal. Gingerly making decisions. Second guessing some of my moves.
But it’s time:
- To again, with heightened perspective, take the bull by the horns (whatever that means…).
- To look at my three-years-out life in the face.
- To be bold enough to ask new questions. See new angles. See new slants and bird’s-eye-views.
“So, Lord, give me the bravery to follow through with fresh ideas and no longer have a layer of fear.”
P.S. I’ve just now re-read this blog. Taking the bull by the horns feels frightening. Believing God in a far greater capacity seems daunting. Raisin’ my hand. Prayer, please!